Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MS SQL Server

What is Sql:

SQL is Structured Query Language, which is a computer language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data stored in relational database.

Why SQL:

·         Allows users to access data in relational database management systems.
·         Allows users to describe the data.
·         Allows users to define the data in database and manipulate that data.
·         Allows to Embed with in other languages using SQL modules, libraries & pre-compilers.
·         Allows users to create and drop databases and tables

Instances in SQL:

An instance of the Database Engine is a copy of the sqlservr.exe executable that runs                              as an operating system service each instance manages several system databases and one or more user databases. Each computer can run multiple instances of the Database Engine.
*Instances are installations in sql server
*There are two types of instances

Default=The name of the computer is the name of the instance id
Named=You must provide a unique instance id

Instances Compete For
*Disk space

*Single Instances Are Appropriate For
-Situations where having a single server for security and management is best
-Serving multiple databases to single user
-All data bases should be on the same version of sql server
-One instance of sql server can have 1000 different data bases

*Multiple Instances Are Appropriate For
-Situations where having single server for all databases
-Data bases need to be on different versions of sql server
-Same data base needs to be exist on different version of sql server for testing
*Multiple instances can be
-Mixed versions
*Sql server 2000, 2005,2008
-There can be only one default instance
*Instances name must be
-First character must be a letter
-Should not contain underscores or #
-16 characters or less
-Cannot use the word 'default' any where

Types of Databases:

User Defined Databases Created by user

System Databases:

Master Database: Records all the system-level information for an instance of SQL Server.
MSdB Database: Is used by SQL Server Agent for scheduling alerts and jobs.
Model Database: Is used as the template for all databases created on the instance of SQL Server. Modifications made to the model database, such as database size, collation, recovery model, and other database options, are applied to any databases created afterward.

Temp Database: Is a workspace for holding temporary objects or intermediate result sets.

Creating Data Base:

Create database Ravi on primary
File growth=10%
Log on
File growth=10%

Data Types in Sql:

1) Char= Fixed length n-defines the string length and must be a value from 1to8000 the storage size is n bytes

2) Varchar= Variable length non-Unicode string data n defines the string length and can be a value from 1 t0 8000 max indicates that maximum storage size is 2^31-1 bytes

3) Nchar=Fixed length Unicode string data n defines the string length and can be a values from 1to 4000

4) Nvarchar=Variable length Unicode string data n defines the string length and can be a value from 1to 4000

5) Text=Variable length non-Unicode and string length of 2^31-1 bytes

6) Ntext=Variable length Unicode with a max string length of 2^30-1

Collations in Sequel Server:

*A collation encodes the rules governing the proper use of characters for either a language such as Greek or Polish, or an alphabet, such as Latin1_General (the Latin alphabet used by western European languages).
*Collation is the set of rules that determines how data is compared and sorted
*Collation cannot be changed without rebuilding databases
*Collation can be selected during installation

Each SQL Server Collation Specifies Three Properties:

*The sort order to use for Unicode data types (nchar, nvarchar, and ntext). A sort order defines the sequence in which characters are sorted, and the way characters are evaluated in comparison operations.

*The sort order to use for non-Unicode character data types (char, varchar, and text).

*The code page is used to store non-Unicode character data.

*Character data is sorted using rules that define the correct character sequence, with options for specifying case-sensitivity, accent marks, kana character types. And character width.

Case sensitivity
If A and a, B and b, etc. are treated in the same way then it is case-insensitive. A computer treats A and a differently because it uses ASCII code to differentiate the input. The ASCII value of A is 65, while a is 97. The ASCII value of B is 66 and b is 98.

Accent sensitivity
If a and á, o and ó are treated in the same way, then it is accent-insensitive. A computer treats a and á differently because it uses ASCII code for differentiating the input. The ASCII value of a is 97 and á is 225. The ASCII value of o is 111 and ó is 243.

Kana Sensitivity
When Japanese kana characters Hiragana and Katakana are treated differently, it is called Kana sensitive.

Width sensitivity
When a single-byte character (half-width) and the same character when represented as a double-byte character (full-width) are treated differently  it is width sensitive.

SELECT name, description FROM fn_helpcollations()

Data languages in sql:


Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define the database structure or schema. Some examples:
  • CREATE - To create objects in the database
  • ALTER - Alters the structure of the database
  • DROP - Delete objects from the database
  • TRUNCATE - Remove all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records are removed
  • COMMENT - Add comments to the data dictionary
  • RENAME - Rename an object


Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used for managing data within schema objects. Some examples:
  • SELECT - Retrieve data from the a database
  • INSERT - Insert data into a table
  • UPDATE - Updates existing data within a table
  • DELETE - Deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain


Data Control Language (DCL) statements. Some examples:
  • GRANT - Gives user's access privileges to database
  • REVOKE - Withdraw access privileges given with the GRANT command


Transaction Control (TCL) statements are used to manage the changes made by DML statements. It allows statements to be grouped together into logical transactions.
  • COMMIT - Save work done
  • SAVEPOINT - Identify a point in a transaction to which you can later roll back
  • ROLLBACK - Restore database to original since the last COMMIT
  • SET TRANSACTION - Change transaction options like isolation level and what rollback segment to use

Creation Of Tables:

Create Table Teacher information
No int,
Teacherid int,
Name varchar(20),
Class int

Insertion Of Values:

Insert Into Teacher information Values (1, 501,'jaya', 10)
Insert Into Teacher information Values (2, 501,'jaya', 9)










Create Table Saaa
No int identity (2, 4),
Name varchar(20)
Insert Into Saaa(name) Values('hari')
Insert Into Saaa(name) Values('ravi')
Insert Into Saaa(name) Values('vishnu')
Insert Into Saaa(name) Values('rakesh')
Insert Into Saaa(name) Values('naveen')

Select * From Saaa

NOT NULL -Indicates that a column cannot store NULL value
UNIQUE -Ensures that each row for a column must have a Unique value
CHECK -Ensures that the value in a column meets a specific condition
DEFAULT -Specifies a default value when specified none for this column


Create Table Man
Id int not null,
Name varchar(20)
Insert Into Man Values(1,'hari')
Insert Into Man(name)Values('sai')
(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 7
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id', table ''; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated


Create Table Man
Id int unique,
Name varchar(20)
Insert Into Man Values(1,'ravi')
Insert Into Man Values(1,'sai')

(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 7
Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ__man__3213E83EE0F957CA'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ''. The duplicate key value is (1).
The statement has been terminated.

Create Table Man
Id int check(id>3),
Name varchar(20)
Insert Into Man values(4,'ravi')
Insert Into Man values(2,'sai')
(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 8
The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK__man__id__6E01572D". The conflict occurred in database "ravi", table "", column 'id'.
The statement has been terminated.


Create Table Man
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
City varchar(20) Default 'gvd'
Insert Into Man(id, name) values(1,'hari')

Select * From Man


·         primary key does not accept null values
·         Only one primary key will be there in a table
·         It helps in the concepts of joins
·         It helps to remove bad data

Create Table Satya
Empid int constraint pk_satya_empid primary key ,
Empname varchar(10)
Alter Table Satya Drop constraint pk_satya_empid --drop constraint
Alter Table Satya Add constraint pk_satya_empid primary key(empid)--adding primary key constraint


·         Foreign key accepts multiple null values
·         More than one foreign key can be there in a table

Create table emptab
empid int primary key,
empname varchar(10),
empdeptno int constraint FK_emptab_deptno references dept(empdeptno),
empsal float

Table Hints In Sql:

*Sometimes your query executes very slowly. One of the ways to increase the queries performance is using the SQL Server table hints


NOLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED: Use the NOLOCK or READUNCOMMITTED table hint if you need the highest concurrency
Example-- SELECT * FROM titles WITH (NOLOCK)
*In DELETE/UPDATE queries it should be totally avoided as it can produce junk results.

READCOMMITTED:--Consider using the READCOMMITTED table hint to specify that statements cannot read data that has been modified but not committed by other transactions.

REPEATABLEREAD:--Use the REPEATABLEREAD table hint if you need more consistency

NOWAIT: Consider using the NOWAIT table hint if you need to return a message when a lock is encountered on the table.

XLOCK: Consider using the XLOCK table hint to take and hold exclusive locks until the transaction completes

Use the READPAST table hint if you need to return only the pasted rows.When the READPAST table hint is used, the locked rows will be skipped

Example--SELECT * FROM titles a JOIN title author b WITH (READPAST) ON a.title_id = b.title_id

This hint specifies that a shared row lock will be taken instead of shared page or table lock
Example--SELECT * FROM titles WITH (ROWLOCK)

Page lock:
The PAGLOCK hint specifies that a shared page lock will be taken instead of table lock each page size is 8kb,after that it will  be stored in segment and after that in chapter
SELECT * FROM titles a JOIN title author b WITH (PAGLOCK) ON a.title_id = b.title_id

The TABLOCK hint specifies that a shared lock will be taken on the table until the end ofthe Transact-SQL statement
SELECT * FROM titles a JOIN title author b WITH (TABLOCK) ON a.title_id = b.title_id

Padding in sql:

Padding is the process which adds the given data with the message to make confirm a certain length.

It can be to the left side or right side of the message. Suppose your message is rashed, and you want to add padding to the left side and the length you need is 10, and you want to fill the length with ‘O’then the result will be: ‘0000rashed’. In the same way, if you want right padding, the result will be ‘rashed0000’.

Left padding

Create function [dbo].[LPAD]
@pad_value varchar(500),
@pad_length INT,
@pad_with varchar(10)
Returns varchar(5000)
Declare @value_result varchar(5000)
Select @value_result= replace(str(@pad_value,@pad_length),' ',@pad_with)
Return @value_result

Right padding

Create function [dbo].[RPAD]
@pad_value varchar(500),
@pad_length int,
@pad_with varchar(10)
Returns varchar(5000)
Declare @valueResult varchar(5000)
Select@valueResult=@pad_value+replace(replace(str(@pad_value,@pad_length),' ',@pad_with),@pad_value,'')
Return @valueResult

Temp Tables

·         Temp tables result can be used by multiple users
·         Temp table will be stored in tempdb database
·         Temp table can do all ddl operations it allows creating indexes, dropping, altering etc.
      Local Temporary Tables

Create table #Emp01
Empno int,
Name varchar(20)
Insert Into #Emp01 Values (1,'hari')
Insert Into #Emp01 Values(2,'sai')
Insert Into #Emp01 Values(3,'rao')
Insert Into #Emp01 Values(4,'ravi')
Insert Into #Emp01 Values(5,'pratap')
       Select * From #Emp01

Global Temporary Tables

Create Table ##emp01
Empno int,
Name varchar(20)
Insert Into ##Emp01 Values (1,'hari')
Insert Into ##Emp01 Values(2,'sai')
Insert Into ##Emp01 Values(3,'rao')
Insert Into ##Emp01 Values(4,'ravi')
Insert Into ##Emp01 Values(5,'pratap')

Select * From ##Emp01

Local Temp Table
Local temp tables are only available to the current connection for the user and they are automatically deleted when the user disconnects from instances. Local temporary table name is stared with hash ("#") sign.

Global Temp Table
Global Temporary tables name starts with a double hash ("##"). Once this table has been created by a connection, like a permanent table it is then available to any user by any connection. It can only be deleted once all connections have been closed.

Table variables

Alternative of Temporary table is the Table variable which can do all kinds of operations that we can perform in Temp table. Below is the syntax for using Table variable.

Table variables cannot have Non-Clustered Indexes
You cannot create constraints in table variables

Declare @Emp01 Table
Empno int,
Name varchar(20)
Insert into @Emp01 Values (1,'hari')
Insert into @Emp01 Values (2,'sai')
Insert into @Emp01 Values (3,'rao')
Insert into @Emp01 Values (4,'ravi')
Insert into @Emp01 Values (5,'pratap')

Select * From @Emp01

Declare @@Emp01 Table
Empno int,
Name varchar(20)
Insert into @@Emp01 Values (1,'hari')
Insert into @@Emp01 Values (2,'sai')
Insert into @@Emp01 Values (3,'rao')
Insert into @@Emp01 Values (4,'ravi')
Insert into @@Emp01 Values (5,'pratap')

Select * from @@emp01

Select * Into #Emp10 from Emptab11

Select * From #Emp10


Common Table Expression

A cte can be thought as a temporary result set that is defined with in the execution scope of a single select, insert update, and delete or create view statement

Select * from Tbldepartment

Create Table Tbldepartment
Deptid int,
Dname varchar(20)
Insert into Tbldepartment Values (1,'it')
Insert into Tbldepartment Values (2,'payroll')
Insert into Tbldepartment Values (3,'hr')
Insert into Tbldepartment Values (4,'admin')

Create Table Tblemployee
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
Gender varchar(20),
Deptid int
Insert into Tblemployee Values (1,'raju','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (2,'sai','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (3,'satya','male', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (4,'srikan','male', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (5,'harika','female', 3)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (6,'subbu','male', 4)
Select * From Tblemployee

With Employee count (dname,deptid,totalemployees)
Select tbldepartment.dname,tbldepartment.deptid,count(*) as totalemployees
From tblemployee
Join tbldepartment on tbldepartment.deptid=tblemployee.deptid
Group by tbldepartment.dname,tbldepartment.deptid
Select dname,totalemployees
From employeecount
Where totalemployees>=2

*To create common table expression we use keyword with---
*Cte is introduced in sql server 2005 a cte is a temporary result set that can be referenced with in a,
Select, insert, update, or delete statement that immediately follows cte

With employeecount(deptid,totalemployees)
Select deptid,count(*) as totalemployees
From tblemployee
Group by deptid

Select dname,totalemployees
From tbldepartment join employeecount
On tbldepartment.deptid=employeecount.deptid
Order by totalemployees

We can create multiple ctes using a single with clause
If cte is based on one base table then it is possible to update the underlying base table

With employee_name_gender
Select id,name,gender from tblemployee
Update employee_name_gender
Set gender='female' where id=1

If a cte is based on more than one table and if the update effects only one base  table then update is allowed

With Employeesbydepartment
select id,name,gender,dname from tblemployee
join tbldepartment
on tbldepartment.deptid=tblemployee.deptid
Update employeesbydepartment set gender='male' where id=1

If a cte is based on multiple tables and if the update statement effects more than one base table then Update is not allowed

With Employeebydepartment
Select id,name,gender,dname from tblemployeejoin tbldepartment on tbldepartment.deptid=tblemployee.deptid
Update Employeebydepartment set gender='male',dname='it' where id=1

Result= "View or function 'employeebydepartment' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables."


·         Views are virtual or imaginary tables
·         View is just a select statement which has been saved in the database
·         Advantage of view is that it can join data from several tables
·         Views does not contain any data
·         Views reduce the effort of writing queries to access specify column every time
·         Views are created to hide some columns from the user for security reason

Create Table Rajj
Empno int,
Empname varchar(20),
Empsalary float
Insert into Rajj Values (1,'raju', 1000)
Insert into Rajj Values (2,'raj', 8000)
Insert into Rajj Values (3,'aju', 1500)
Insert into Rajj Values (4,'ramu', 6000)
Insert into Rajj Values (5,'rahul', 7000)
Insert into Rajj Values (6,'rajiv', 8000)
Insert into Rajj Values (7,'hari', 9000)
Select * From Rajj

Create View Vraj as
Select Empname,Empsalary from Rajj

Select * From Vraj

Delete Vraj
where Empname='raju'

Update Vraj
Set Empname ='rajs' where Empname='raj'

Insert Into Vraj Values('ravi',31000)
Drop view Vraj


An index can be created in a table to find data more quickly and efficiently. The users cannot see the indexes; they are just used to speed up searches/queries. Note: Updating a table with indexes takes more time than updating a table without (because the indexes also need an update).So you should only create indexes on columns (and tables) that will be frequently searched against


There are two types of indexes

1) Clustered Indexes----we can create only one index in clustered indexes
2) Non Clustered Indexes---we can create 0-255 indexes in Non clustered indexes

Clustered Index

Create Table Studenti
Studentno int,
Name varchar(20),
Class varchar(20)

Insert into Studenti Values (1,'raju', 10)
Insert into Studenti Values (2,'hari', 9)
Insert into Studenti Values (4,'rao', 11)
Insert into Studenti Values (7,'swathi', 12)
Insert into Studenti Values (3,'sagar', 8)
Insert into Studenti Values (6,'vinay', 8)
Insert into Studenti Values (5,'varma', 7)

Select * From Studenti

Create Clustered Index Ckj_Studenti_Studentno
on Studenti(studentno)

Select * From Studenti with (Index (ckj_studenti_studentno))

Drop Index Ckj_studenti_studentno on Studenti
Drop Table Student

Non Clustered Index:

Create Non clustered Index ckj_studenti_studentno on Studenti(studentno)
Create Non clustered Index ckj_studenti_class on studenti(class)
Select * From Studenti with (Index (ckj_studenti_studentno))

Create Table #Studenti
Studentno int,
Name varchar(20),
Class varchar(20)

Insert into #Studenti Values (1,'raju', 10)
Insert into #Studenti Values (2,'hari', 9)
Insert into #Studenti Values (4,'rao', 11)
Insert into #Studenti Values (7,'swathi', 12)
Insert into #Studenti Values (3,'sagar', 8)
Insert into #Studenti Values (6,'vinay', 8)
Insert into #Studenti Values (5,'varma', 7)

Drop Table #Studenti

Select * From #Studenti

Create Clustered Index Ck_#studenti_studentno
On #Studenti(studentno)
Select * from #studenti with (index (ck_#studenti_studentno))

·         we can create clustered and Non clustered indexes on temporary tables
·         we can create only clustered index in temporary variables
Declare @@Raju Table

Empno int,
Name varchar(20),
Place varchar(20),
Unique clustered (empno)
Insert into @@Raju Values (1,'raju','vsp')
Insert into @@Raju Values (3,'hari','hyd')
Insert into @@Raju Values (4,'sai','alm')
Insert into @@Raju Values (2,'ravi','bvrt')

Select * From @@Raju

Composite Index

An index that consists of more than one column is referred as composite index. Both clustered and non-clustered indexes can be composite index

IF EXISTS (Select name From sys.indexes Where name = N'IX_Employee_Composite')
DROP INDEX IX_Employee_Composite ON [Employee];
CREATE INDEX IX_Employee_Composite ON [Employee] (Emp_Code,Name)

Clustered Table:

Data is stored in order based on the clustered index key Data can be retrieved quickly based on the clustered index key, if the query uses the indexed columns Data pages are linked for faster sequential access Additional time is needed to maintain clustered index based on INSERTS, UPDATES and DELETES Additional space is needed to store clustered index tree These tables have a index_id value of 1 in the sys.indexes catalog view


Heap Table:

Data is not stored in any particular order
Specific data cannot be retrieved quickly, unless there are also non-clustered indexes Data pages are not linked, so sequential access needs to refer back to the index allocation map (IAM) pages
Since there is no clustered index, additional time is not needed to maintain the index since there is no clustered index; there is not the need for additional space to store the clustered index tree
These tables have a index_id value of 0 in the sys.indexes catalog view
To create a heap, create a table without a clustered index.
If a table already has a clustered index, drop the clustered index to return the table to a heap.
To remove a heap, create a clustered index on the heap.

Table Seek:

·         Table seek is good for large tables (large No. of  rows)
·         It is an operator for searching for Indexed Table.

Table Scan:

·         Table scan is good for the small table (few no. of rows like 10-50 rows)
·         It is an operator for any heap table (which is not having any clustered index). Record will search row by row.

Differences Between Table Seek And Table Scan

A table scan returns the entire table or index. A Table Seek efficiently returns rows from one or more ranges of an index based on a predicate

For Example

Select order date from orders where order key=2--

Table Scan

With a scan we need each row in the orders table ,evaluate the predicate “where order key=2” and if the predicate is true (i.e,if the row qualifies)return the row

Since a scan touches every row in the table whether or not it qualifies, the cost is proportional to the total no of rows in the table thus a scan is efficient strategy if the table is small or if most of the rows qualify for the predicate

Table Seek
If we have an index on order key ,a seek may be a better plan, we use the index to navigate directly to those rows that satisfy the predicate Since a seek only touches rows that qualify and pages that contain these qualifying rows, the cost is proportional to the number of qualifying rows and pages rather than to the total no of rows in the table. Thus a seek is generally a more efficient strategy if we have highly selective seek predicate that Is if we have a seek predicate that eliminates a large fraction of the table


*Joins are used to combine rows from 2 or more tables based on a common field between them

Types of Joins:

Inner Join: Returns all rows when there is at least one match in BOTH tables

LEFT Outer JOIN: Return all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table

RIGHT Outer JOIN: Return all rows from the right table, and the matched rows from the left table

FULL Outer JOIN: Return all rows when there is a match in ONE of the tables

Self-Join: SELF JOIN is used to join a table to itself

*The APPLY operator comes in two variants, the CROSS APPLY and the OUTER APPLY.

CROSS APPLY: Returns only those rows from left table expression (in its final     output) if it matches with right table expression. It is same as inner join

OUTER APPLY: Returns all the rows from left table expression irrespective of its match with the right table is same as left outer join

Create Table Emptab11
Empid int ,
Empname varchar(10),
Empdeptno int ,
Empsal float

Create Table Dept11
Empdeptno int ,
Empdeptname varchar(10)

Select * From Emptab11

Insert into Emptab11 Values (1,'hari', 10, 2000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (2,'jagan', 20, 3000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (3,'psycho', 30, 6000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (4,'satya', 40, 10000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (5,'naren', 50, 12000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (6,'vikas', 60, 14000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (7,'rakesh', 20, 9000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (8,'vikki', 30, 7000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (9,'jai', 40, 4000)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (11,'ramu', 80, 1200)
Insert into Emptab11 Values (12,'kiran', 90, 1300)

Insert into Dept11 Values (10,'sales')
Insert into Dept11 Values (20,'devel')
Insert into Dept11 Values (30,'transport')
Insert into Dept11 Values (40,'manager')
Insert into Dept11 Values (50,'clerk')
Insert into Dept11 Values (70,'president')
Select * From Dept11
Select * From Emptab11

Inner Join Example

Select * from Emptab11 Inner Join dept11 on Emptab11.Empdeptno=Dept11.Empdeptno

Right Outer Join Example

Select * From Emptab11 eT Right Outer Join Dept11 d on et.Empdeptno=d.Empdeptno

Left Outer Join Example
Select * From Emptab11 et left Outer Join Dept11  d on et.Empdeptno=d.Empdeptno

Full Outer Join Example

Select * From Emptab11 et Full Outer Join Dept11  d on et.Empdeptno=d.Empdeptno

Self-Join Example

Create Table Manager11
Empid int,
Empname varchar(20),
Empmgr int
Insert into manager11 Values (101,'balu', 103)
Insert into manager11 Values (102,'vinod', 101)
Insert into manager11 Values (103,'kiran', 101)
Insert Into manager11 Values (104,'raju', 102)
Insert Into manager11 Values (105,'satya', 102)
Insert Into manager11 Values (106,'teja', 103)
Insert Into manager11 Values (107,'vinay', 104)

Select * From Manager11

Select b.Empname,a.Empname as Manager from Manager11 a join Manager11 b on a.Empid=b.Empmgr 

Cross Apply Example

Select * From Emptab11 d
Select * From Dept11 E
Where E.Empdeptno = D.Empdeptno
) A

Outer Apply Example

Select * From Emptab11 d
Select * From Dept11 E
Where E.Empdeptno = D.empdeptno
) A

Difference Between Set And select In Sql Server:

·         SELECT: Designed to return data.
·         SET: Designed to assign values to local variables.
·         While comparing their performance in loop SELECT statement gives better performance then SET
·         SET is slower than SELECT. The reason is that each SET statement runs individually and updates on values per execution, whereas the entire SELECT statement runs once and update all the values in one execution.
·         SET can only assign one variable at a time, SELECT can make multiple assignments at once
·    When assigning from a query if there is no value returned then SET will assign NULL, where SELECT will not make the assignment at all keeping the variable unchanged.

Synonyms in Sql:

Synonym provides an alternative name to the table
USE tempdb;
FOR  AdventureWorks2012.


·         A subquery is simply a select statement that returns a single value and can be nested inside a select, update, insert or delete statement
·         Subqueries are always enclosed in parenthesis and are also called as inner queries
·         It is possible to nest a subquery inside another sub query
·         The columns from a table that is present only inside a subquery cannot be used in the select list of outer query

Create Table Tblproducts
Id int primary key,
Name varchar(20),
Description varchar(30)
Insert Into Tblproducts Values(1,'tv','31incheslcd')
Insert Into Tblproducts Values(2,'laptop','very thin acer laptop')
Insert Into Tblproducts Values(3,'desktop','high performence desktop')

Select * From Tblproducts

Create Table Tblproductsales
Id int primary key,
Productid int,
Unitprice int,
Quantitysold int
Insert Into Tblproductsales Values(1,3,450,5)
Insert Into Tblproductsales Values(2,2,250,7)
Insert Into Tblproductsales Values(3,3,450,4)
Insert Into Tblproductsales Values(4,3,450,9)

Select * From Tblproductsales

Select Id,Name,Description From Tblproducts where idnot In (select distinct productid from tblproductsales)

Using Joins

Select Tblproducts.Id,Name,Description
From Tblproducts
Left Join Tblproductsales
Where Tblproductsales.productid is null

Select Name,(Select sum(quantitysold) From Tblproductsales where as quantitysold
From Tblproducts Order By Name

Select Name,sum(quantitysold) as Qnty
From Tblproducts
Left Join Tblproductsales
Group by Name


Correlated sub query

* If the subquery depends on the outer query for its values then that subquery is called  as correlated subquery in the where clause of the subquery below 'product ID' column gets its value from tblproducts table that is present in the outer query

Select Name,(select sum(quantitysold) From Tblproductsales Where As quantitysold
From Tblproducts
Order By Name

So, here the subquery dependent on the outer query for its value hence this subquery is a correlated subquery
Correlated subquery cannot be executed independently of the outer query

For Example

Select * From Tblproducts
Select * From Tblproductsales

Non Correlated Subquery

When subquery not dependent on outer query for its values then it is called non correlated subquery
Subquery can be executed independently .once the sub query is executed the results of the sub query
Then substituted with in parenthesis for use by the outer query .in an non correlated sub query
Sub query’s usually executed once

Nested Sub Queries

*A subquery can be nested inside other subqueries. SQL has an ability to nest queries within one another.

A subquery is a SELECT statement that is nested within another SELECT statement and which return intermediate results. SQL executes innermost subquery first, then next level -

For Example

Create Table Orders
Ord_num int,
Order_amount int,
Advance_amount int,
Ord_date varchar(20),
Cust_code varchar(10),
Agent_code varchar(20)

Insert into Orders Values (200100, 1000, 600,'2008-01-08','c00015','a003')
Insert into Orders Values (200110, 3000, 500,'2008-04-15','c00019','a010')
Insert into Orders Values (200107, 4500, 900,'2008-08-30','c00007','a010')
Insert into Orders Values (200112, 2000, 400,'2008-05-30','c00016','a007')
Insert into Orders Values (200113, 4000, 600,'2008-06-10','c00022','a002')
Insert into Orders Values (200102, 2000, 300,'2008-05-25','c00012','a012')

Select * From Orders

Create Table Customer
Cust_code varchar(10),
Cust_name varchar(20),
Cust_city varchar(20),
Working_area varchar(20),
Cust_country varchar(20),
Grade int,
Opening_amt int,
Receive_amt int,
Payment_amt int,
Outstanding_amt int,
Phone_no int,
Agent_code varchar(20)

Insert Into Customer Values ('C00013', 'Holmes', 'London', ‘London’,'UK', 2, 6000, 5000, 7000, 4000, 77979,'A003')
Insert Into Customer Values ('C00001', 'Micheal','New York','New York','USA', 2,3000,5000,2000, 6000, 7878, 'A008')
Insert Into Customer Values ('C00020', 'Albert', 'New York', 'New York', 'USA', 3, 5000, 7000, 6000, 6000, 9698,’A008’)
Insert Into Customer Values ('C00025','Ravindran','Bangalore','Bangalore','India', 2, 5000, 7000, 4000, 8000, 4523,'A011'
Insert Into Customer Values ('C00024','Cook','London', 'London','UK', 2, 4000, 9000, 7000, 6000, 9909,'A006')

Select * From Customer

Create Table Agent
Agent_code varchar(10),
Agent_name varchar(20),
Working_area varchar(20),
Commission int
Insert Into Agent Values('A007','Ramasundar','Bangalore',0.15)
Insert Into Agent Values('A003' ,'Alex','London', 0.13)
Insert Into Agent Values('A008','Alford','New York',0.12)
Insert Into Agent Values('A011', 'Ravi Kumar','Bangalore',0.15)
Insert Into Agent Values('A010','Santakumar', 'Chennai',0.10)
Select * From Agent

Select Ord_num,Ord_date,Order_amount,Advance_amount From orders
Where order_amount>2000
And ord_date<'2008-11-11'
And advance_amount <
Any (Select outstanding_amt From Customer Where Grade=3
And Cust_Country<>'India'
And opening_amt<7000
(Select *From agent Where commission<0.20))

Stored procedures:

A stored procedure is nothing more than prepared SQL code that you save so you can reuse the code over and over again a stored procedure is a group of Transact-SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan.
More Number of SQL Statements Can Execute the Single Stored Procedure.
It will reduce the client/Server Network Traffic.


System Defined Stored procedures:

These stored procedure are already defined in Sql Server

sp_rename= It is used to rename an database object like stored procedure, views, table etc.
sp_changeowner=It is used to change the owner of an database object.
sp_help=It provides details on any database object.
sp_helpdb=It provide the details of the databases defined in the Sql Server.
sp_helptext=It provides the text of a stored procedure reside in Sql Server
sp_depends=It provide the details of all database objects that depends on the specific database object.

Create Table Tblemployee
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
Gender varchar(10),
Departmentid int
Insert into Tblemployee Values (1,'rao','male', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (2,'sai','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (3,'geeta','female', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (4,'sanvi','female', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (5,'satya','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (6,'ravi','male', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (7,'pranavi','female', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (8,'bujji','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (9,'shiva','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (10,'hari','male', 2)

Select * From Tblemployee

Create procedure Spgetemployeebygender
@gender varchar(20),
@departmentid int
select name,gender,departmentid from tblemployee where gender=@gender and departmentid=@departmentid
Execute Spgetemployeebygender 'female',1

Create procedure Spgetemployeebygend
@gender nvarchar(20),
@employeecount int output
Select @employeecount=count (id) from tblemployee where gender=@gender

Declare @employeecount int
Exec spgetemployeebygend 'female',@employeecount out
Print @employeecount

Extended Stored Procedures

An extended stored procedure (xp) is a dynamic link library that runs directly in the address space of SQL Server and is programmed using the SQL Server Open Data Services API. You can run extended stored procedures from the Query Analyzer

This extended stored procedure can be used to get the current version of Microsoft SQL Server. To get the current SQL Server version, run:
EXEC master..Sp_MSgetversion

This extended stored procedure is used to get the list of folders for the folder named in the xp. In comparison with Xp_dirtree, Xp_subdirs returns only those directories whose depth = 1.
This is the example:
EXEC master..xp_subdirs ‘C: MSSQL7′

This extended stored procedure can be used to list of all code pages, character sets and their description for your SQL Server. To see this, list, run:
EXEC master..xp_enumcodepages

This extended stored procedure returns a list of all system DSNs and their descriptions. To get the list of system DSNs, run:
EXEC master..xp_enumdsn

This extended stored procedure returns the list of all error logs with their last change date. To get the list of error logs, run:
EXEC master..xp_enumerrorlogs 


This extended stored procedure returns the list of Windows NT groups and their description. To get the list of the Windows NT groups, run:
EXEC master..xp_enumgroups


You can use this extended stored procedure to determine whether a particular file exists on the disk or not. The syntax for this xp is:
EXECUTE xp_fileexist filename [, file_exists INT OUTPUT]
For example, to check whether the file boot.ini exists on disk c: or not, run:
EXEC master..xp_fileexist ‘c:boot.ini’


This very useful extended stored procedure returns the list of all hard drives and the amount of free space in Mb for each hard drive. To see the list of drives, run:
EXEC master..xp_fixeddrives

This extended stored procedure returns the WINS name of the SQL Server that you’re connected to. To view the name, run:
EXEC master..xp_getnetname


This extended stored procedure returns the content of the error log file. You can find the errorlog file in the C: MSSQL7Log directory, by default. To see the text of the error log file, run:
EXEC master..xp_readerrorlog

Functions in sql:

1) Scalar functions
2) In line table valued functions
3) Multi statement table valued functions

Scalar Function:

May or may not have parameters but always return single (scalar) value the returned value can be any datatype, except text, ntext, image, cursor and timestamp
*To create a function we use the following syntax

Create Function Function_name(@parameter1 datatype,@parameter2 datatype)
Returns data_type
Function body
Return return_datatype

Create Function Bomonth
@dateIN  Datetime
Returns Datetime
Declare @Result Date
Select @Result = DATEADD (mm, -3, @datein)
Return @Result

 In line Table Valued Function:

Returns a table, we specify a table as a return type instead on any scalar datatype the function body is not enclosed between begin and end block, the structure of the   table that gets returned is determined by the select statement within the function
Create table Tblemployee
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
Dateofbirth varchar(20),
Gender varchar(20),
Departmentid int

Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (1,'sai','17/10/2005','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (2,'ravi','10/2/2001','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (3,'sakshi','4/4/2004','female', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (4,'vishnu','3/2/2000','male', 3)
Select * From Tblemployee1

Create function Fn_employeebygender(@gender varchar(20))
Returns Table
Return (select id,name,dateofbirth,gender,departmentid from tblemployee1
Where gender=@gender)

To call The Function
Select * From Fn_employeebygender('male')

Select * From Fn_employeebygender('male') where name='sai'

Create table Tbldepartment1
Id int,
Departmentname varchar(20),
Location varchar(20),
Departmenthead varchar(20)

Insert into Tbldepartment1 Values (1,'it','london','rick')
Insert into Tbldepartment1 Values (2,'payroll','delhi','ron')
Insert into Tbldepartment1 Values (3,'hr','newyork','christie')
Insert into Tbldepartment1 Values (4,'otherdepartment','sydney','cindrella')
Select * From Tbldepartment1

Table Returned By Function Can Be Used In Joins

Select name,gender,departmentname from Fn_employeebygender('male') eJoin tbldepartment1 on

Multi Statement Table Valued Functions

Multi statement table valued functions are very similar to inline
Table valued functions, with a few differences

Create Table Tblemployee1
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
Dateofbirth varchar(20),
Gender varchar(20),
Departmentid int

Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (1,'sai','17/10/2005','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (2,'ravi','10/2/2001','male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (3,'sakshi','4/4/2004','female', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee1 Values (4,'vishnu','3/2/2000','male', 3)
Select * From Tblemployee1

In line Table Valued Function

Create Function Fn_n_getemployee()
Returns Table
(Select id,name,dateofbirth from tblemployee1)

To call The Function
Select * From Fn_n_getemployee()

We can update the inline table valued function

Update Fn_n_getemployee() set name='saivishnu' where id=1

Multi Statement Table Valued Function
Create Function Fn_m_getemployee()
Returns @table table (id int,name varchar(20),dateofbirth varchar(20))
Insert into @table
Select id, name, dateofbirth from tblemployee1

To Call the Function

Select * From Fn_m_getemployee()

SQL Aggregate Functions:

  • AVG() - Returns the average value
  • COUNT() - Returns the number of rows
  • FIRST() - Returns the first value
  • LAST() - Returns the last value
  • MAX() - Returns the largest value
  • MIN() - Returns the smallest value
  • SUM() - Returns the sum
SQL Scalar functions:
  • UCASE() - Converts a field to upper case
  • LCASE() - Converts a field to lower case
  • MID() - Extract characters from a text field
  • LEN() - Returns the length of a text field
  • ROUND() - Rounds a numeric field to the number of decimals specified
  • NOW() - Returns the current system date and time
  • FORMAT() - Formats how a field is to be displayed
·         Select Upper (ename) from emp
·         Select lower (ename) from emp
·         Select Ename from Emp where ename like'%s%'
·         Select Deptno,count(*) from emp group by deptno
·         Select Job,count(*) from emp group by job
·         Select Deptno,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno
·         Select Deptno,max(sal)from emp group by deptno
·         Select Job,sum(sal) from emp group by job
·         Select Job,min(sal) from emp group by job
·         Select Max (saL) FROM EMP
·         Select Avg(sal) from emp
·         Select Count (*) from emp
·         Select Sum (sal) from emp
·         Select Upper ('jagannadh')
·         Select lower ('hari')
·         Select Left ('hari',2)
·         Select Right ('abhinaya',4)
·         Select Ltrim(left('         psycho',10))
·         Select Rtrim(right('      haripsycho',7))
·         Select Isnumeric('raju')
·         Select Isnumeric(10)
·         Select Abs (-10*20.13*13.15)
·         Select Abs (10*20.13*13.15)
·         Select Reverse ('raju')
·         Select Getdate()
·         Select Convert (date,getdate())
·         Select Datepart(dd,'12/10/2014')
·         Select Datediff(YY,'1999/2/22','2010/2/27')
·         Select Datename(mm,getdate())
·         Select Dateadd(dd,2,getdate())
·         Select Dateadd(dd,2,convert(date,getdate()))
·         Select Round (457,3)
·         Select Round (477,2)

Conditional Statements:

Many times you're required to write query to determine if a record exists. Typically you use this to determine whether to insert or update a record. Using the EXISTS keyword is a great way to accomplish this
The EXISTS function takes one parameter which is a SQL statement. If any records exist that match the criteria it returns true, otherwise it returns false

If Exists
IF Exists (Select 1 from sys.objects where name='PersonSpouse' and type ='U')
Drop table dbo.PersonSpouse

In SQL Server, the IF...ELSE statement is used to execute code when a condition is TRUE, or execute different code if the condition evaluates to FALSE.

If Else
IF Exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'person')
Print 'Table Already Exists'
Print 'Need to create this table'

Case Statement:

Evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of multiple possible result expressions.
The CASE expression has two formats:
The simple CASE expression compares an expression to a set of simple expressions to determine the result.
The searched CASE expression evaluates a set of Boolean expressions to determine the result.

Simple CASE Expression
This compares an expression to a set of simple expressions to find the result. This expression compares an expression to the expression in each WHEN clause for equivalency. If the expression with in the WHEN clause is matched, the expression in the THEN clause will be returned.
1.      CASE expression
2.      WHEN expression1 THEN Result1
3.      WHEN expression2 THEN Result2
4.      ELSE ResultN
5.      END
Searched CASE expressions
This expression evaluates a set of Boolean expressions to find the result. This expression allows comparison operators, and logical operators AND/OR with in each Boolean expression.
6.      CASE
7.      WHEN Boolean_expression1 THEN Result1
8.      WHEN Boolean_expression2 THEN Result2
9.      ELSE ResultN
10.  END

Create Table Raju
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
City varchar(20)
Insert into Raju Values (1,'raju','vzm')
Insert into Raju Values (2,'sai','vskp')
Insert into Raju Values (3,'ravi','cpp')
Insert into Raju Values (4,'jagan','alm')

Select Id, Case Name When 'raju' Then 'rajus' End,city From raju
Select Id, Case Name When 'raju' Then 'rajus' when 'sai' then 'sais' End,city From Raju

Loop Statement:

Sets a condition for the repeated execution of a SQL statement or statement block the statements are executed repeatedly as long as the specified condition is true. The execution of statements in the WHILE loop can be controlled from inside the loop with the BREAK and CONTINUE keywords

Declare @c int,
@n int,
@fact int;
Select @c=1,
Select @n=6,
Select @fact=1
While (@c<=@n)
Select @fact = @fact * @c;
Select @c=@c+1
Select @fact



*In sql server there are 3 types of triggers

DML Triggers

DDL Triggers

LOG ON Triggers

*DML triggers are fired automatically in response to dml events (insert, update and delete)

DML Triggers Can Be Classified In To Two Types

1) After Triggers
2) Instead Of Triggers

*After trigger fires after the triggering action the insert, update and delete statements causes an after trigger to fire after respective statements completes execution

*Instead of trigger fires instead of triggering action the insert, update and delete statements
Causes an instead of trigger to fire instead of respective statement execution
Drop table tblemployee

Create Table Tblemployee
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
Salary int,
Gender varchar(20),
Deptid int

Insert into Tblemployee Values (1,'jhon', 5000,'male', 3)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (2,'sai', 3000,'male', 2)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (3,'ravi', 6000,'male', 1)
Insert into Tblemployee Values (4,'raki', 9000,'male', 1)
Select * From Tblemployee

Create Table Tblemployeeaudit
Id int,
Auditdata varchar(50)

Create trigger Tr_tblemployee_forinsert
On Tblemployee
For insert
Insert into Tblemployeeaudit values (1,'new employee with id is added at’)

Insert into Tblemployee Values (5,'ravi', 8000,'male', 4)
Select * From Tblemployeeaudit

Note--There will be inserted table in sql server created for the purpose of triggers it is available only in the context of trigger the structure of inserted table will be identical to the actual table

For Example
Create Trigger Tr_tblemployee_forinsert
On Tblemployee
For insert
Select * From Inserted

Note-triggers are actually special kind of stored procedures that execute automatically
In response to the dml events

Create Trigger Tr_tblemployee_forupdate
On Tblemployee
For update
Select * from Inserted
Select * from Deleted
Update Tblemployee set name='ramesh', salary=15000, gender='female' where id=3

Drop trigger Tr_tblemployee_forupdate

Instead Of Insert Trigger—

Select * From Tblemployee

Create Table Tbldept
Deptid int,
Deptname varchar(20)
Insert into Tbldept Values (1,'it')
Insert into Tbldept Values (2,'payroll')
Insert into Tbldept Values (3,'hr')
Insert into Tbldept Values (4,'consultant')
Select * from Tbldept
Drop table Tbldept

Create View VWemployeedetails
Select Id,Name,Gender,Deptname
From Tblemployee Join Tbldept
On Tbldept.deptid=Tblemployee.deptid

Drop View VWemployeedetails

Select * From VWemployeedetails

Insert Into VWemployeedetails Values (6,'rambo','male','hr')

View or function 'vwemployeedetails' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables.''

Create Trigger Tr_vwemployeedetails_insteadofinsert
On VWemployeedetails
Instead of insert
Select * From Inserted
Select * From Deleted

Alter Trigger Tr_vwemployeedetails_insteadofinsert on VWemployeedetails
Instead Of Insert
Declare @deptid int
Select @deptid=deptid from tbldept
Join inserted on

If (@deptid is null)
Raise error('invalid departmentname',16,1)
Insert into tblemployee(id,name,gender,deptid)
Select id,name,gender,@deptid
From inserted

Insert Into VWemployeedetails Values (8,'rama','male','hr')
Instead Of Delete Trigger

Delete from vwemployeedetails where id in (1, 2)

Create Trigger Tr_vwemployeedetails_insteadofdelete
On VWemployeedetails
Instead Of Delete
Delete tbleemployee
From tblemployee join deleted
Select * From VWemployeedetails

Cursors in Sql Server:

*Rdbms including sql server are very good at handling data in sets .for example the following 'update' query, updates a set of rows that matches the condition in the where clause at the same time

Ex---update tblproduct sales set unit price=50 where product id=101 however ,if there is ever need to process the rows on a row by row basis then we use cursors, cursors are very bad for performance and should be avoided always most of the time cursors can be replaced by joins

Create Table Tblproduct
Id int,
Name varchar(20),
Description varchar(30)

Insert into Tblproduct Values (1,'product1','product1description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (2,'product2','product2description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (3,'product3','product3description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (4,'product4','product4description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (5,'product5','product5description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (6,'product6','product6description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (7,'product7','product7description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (8,'product8','product8description')
Insert into Tblproduct Values (9,'product9','product9description')
Select * From Tblproduct
Drop Table Tblproductsales

Create Table Tblproductsales
Id int,
Productid int,
Unitprice int,
Quantitysold int
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (1, 6, 55, 3)
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (2, 5, 565, 4)
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (3, 6, 505, 8)
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (4, 7, 955, 3)
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (5, 9, 355, 3)
Insert Into Tblproductsales Values (6, 9, 255, 6)
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (7, 8, 155, 3)
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (8, 6, 558, 2)
Insert into Tblproductsales Values (9, 7, 556, 1)

Select * From Tblproductsales

Select count(*) From Tblproduct
Select count(*) From Tblproductsales

Declare @productid int
Declare @name varchar(20)
Declare productcursor cursor for
Select id,name from tblproduct where id<=10
Open productcursor
Fetch next from productcursor into @productid,@name
While (@@fetch_status=0)
Print 'id='+cast(@productid as varchar(20))+ 'name-'+ @name
Fetch next from productcursor into @productid,@name
Close productcursor
Deallocate productcursor

DBCC Commands:

*Database Consistency Checker (DBCC) commands can gives valuable insight into what’s going on inside SQL Server system.
DBCC commands have powerful documented functions and many undocumented capabilities. Current DBCC commands are most useful for performance and troubleshooting check the physical and logical consistency of a Microsoft SQL Server database. These commands are also used to fix existing issues .They are also used for administration and file management

*Some Of the Dbcc Commands

This statement is used to recreate the indexes for a particular table

USE ravi
DBCC DBREINDEX (studenti, ckj_studenti_studentno)

This statement is used to drop or delete a damaged database .now it is not being used  and it is replaced by drop database

Dbcc dbrepair(database_name, ltmignore)

 Database name: The name of the database for which you want to clear the secondary truncation point.
 Ltmignore Deactivates the secondary truncation point in the named database.

This statement is used to defragment the clustered and secondary indexes Associated with the particular table

DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (ravi, studenti, ckj_studenti_studentno);

This statement is used to reduce the size of a database. This statement reduces the physical size of the database log file

This statement is used to reduce the size of a data file or log file of a particular database

This statement is used to correct inaccuracies in the page and row statistics in the views.
DBCC UPDATEUSAGE (ravi,[department])

This statement is used to remove spaces occupied by columns when they are removed.
DBCC CLEANTABLE (ravi,[department], 0)

This statement is used to drop clean buffers from the buffer pool
WITH NO_INFOMSGS suppresses all informational messages.

This statement is used to remove all elements from the procedure cache
This statement is used to display the last statement stored in the buffer

This statement is used to display information about the oldest open transaction

This statement is used to check integrity of specific constraints

This statement is used to check integrity and allocation of specific    objects in a database. It also performs DBCC CHECKALLOC, DBCC CHECKTABLE and
DBCC CHECKCATALOG in that particular order

This statement is used to check identity value of specified table
DBCC CHECKIDENT ([department])

This statement is used to check the integrity of a table
DBCC CHECKTABLE ([department])

Checks the consistency of disk space allocation structures for a specified database
Dbcc checkalloc(ravi)