normalization is the step by step process of organizing data to minimizing data redundancy (data
duplication).Which in turn ensures data consistency.
There are 7
types of normalization but we use only 3
If the data is not in the normalized way then these issue can come up
1. Disk Space wastage
2. Data inconsistancy
3. DML operations become slow
Normalization Form
· No
repeating columns should be there and the data in the column must be in the atomic form. (Not stored in comma separate or columns groups. e.g. a,b,c,d in one column or a, b, c,d in column wise better to arrange all these in the same column in separate rows ways,
example there is a person table
Create Table Person
Id int primary key,
Name varchar(20),
Email varchar(30),
no varchar(20),
Child1 varchar(20),
Child2 varchar(20),
Child3 varchar(20),
Child4 varchar(20)
Insert into Person Values (2,'rakesh','','9985362165','','','','')
Into Person
Values (3,'srikant','','9848022338','vikas','','','')
Select * from person
*In the result we can observe that there are repeating columns
so to reduce repeating columns we divide the
table into two parts.
Create Table Person
Id int primary key,
Name varchar(20),
Email varchar(30),
no varchar(20)
Insert into Person Values (1,'ramu','','7799291291')
Insert into Person Values (2,'rakesh','','9985362165')
Insert into Person Values (3,'srikant','','9848022338')
Select * From person
Create Table Person children
Id Int constraint FK_personchildren_id References
Person (id),
Seqno int,
Child name varchar(20)
Insert Into person children values(1,1,'ravi')
Insert Into person children values(1,2,'rock')
Insert Into person children values(1,3,'remo')
Insert Into person children values(3,1,'vikas')
Select * From personchildren
Second Normalization Form
be in First Normal Form.
Move the redundant data into the separate table.
Move the redundant data into the separate table.
attributes depends on Primary Key and new tables must be linked/joined with Primary-Foreign keys.
Create Table Personprojectdetails
personid int,
projectid int,
personname varchar(20),
projectcode varchar(20),
projectname varchar(20),
personphoneno varchar(20)
Insert into personprojectdetails Values (1, 1,'roy','project1','databaseproject','7799')
Insert into personprojectdetails Values (2, 1,'sai','project1','databaseproject','2244')
Insert into personprojectdetails
Values (3, 1,'rambo','project1','databaseproject','3366')
Insert into personprojectdetails
Values (4, 1,'pratap','project1','databaseproject','2288)
Insert into personprojectdetails
Values (1, 2,'roy','project2','webproject','7799')
Insert into personprojectdetails
Values (2, 2,'sai','project2','webproject','2244')
Insert into personprojectdetails
Values (3, 2,'rambo','project2','webproject','3366')
Insert into personprojectdetails
Values (4, 2,'pratap','project2','webproject','2288')
Select * from personprojectdetails
Create Table Persons
personid int,
personname varchar(20),
Person phone varchar(20)
Insert into Persons Values (1,'roy','7799')
Insert into Persons Values (2,'sai','2244')
Insert into Persons Values (3,'rambo','3366')
Insert into Persons Values (4,'pratap','2288')
Select * From Persons
Create Table Project
projectid int,
projectcode varchar(20),
projectname varchar(20)
Insert into Project Values (1,'project1','databaseproject')
Insert into Project Values (2,'project2','webproject')
Select * From Project
Create Table Personprojectid
personid int,
projectid int
Insert Into personprojectid values (1, 1)
Insert Into personprojectid values (2, 1)
Insert Into personprojectid values (3, 1)
Insert Into personprojectid values (4, 1)
Insert Into personprojectid values (1, 2)
Insert Into personprojectid values (2, 2)
Insert Into personprojectid values (3, 2)
Insert Into personprojectid values (4, 2)
Select * from personprojectid
Select personname,personphone,projectcode,projectname from persons
Join personprojectid on persons.personid=personprojectid.personid
Join project on project.projectid=personprojectid.projectid
Select * from persons join personprojectid on persons.personid=personprojectid.personid
Join project on project.projectid=personprojectid.projectid
Third Normalization Form
be in Second Normal Form
attributes non transitively dependent on primary key
means directly dependent
column should depend on other columns
Create Table Emplocation
Empname varchar(20),
City varchar(20),
Country varchar(20)
Insert into Emplocation Values ('raju','chicago','usa')
Insert into Emplocation Values ('raj','chicago','usa')
Insert into Emplocation Values ('raja','chicago','usa')
Insert into Emplocation Values ('ramu','chicago','usa')
Insert into Emplocation Values ('hari','newyork','usa')
Insert into Emplocation Values ('sai','newyork','usa')
Insert into Emplocation Values ('chandra','newyork','usa')
Select * From Emplocation
Create Table Empadd
Empname varchar(20),
City varchar(20)
Insert into Empadd Values ('raju','chicago')
Insert into Empadd Values ('raj','chicago')
Insert into Empadd Values ('raja','chicago')
Insert into Empadd Values ('ramu','chicago')
Insert into Empadd Values ('hari','newyork')
Insert into Empadd Values ('sai','newyork')
Insert into Empadd Values ('chandra','newyork')
Select * From Empadd
Create Table Emploc
City varchar(20),
Country varchar(20)
Insert into Emploc Values ('chicago','usa')
Insert into Emploc Values ('newyork','usa')
Select * From Emploc
is the process of adding redundant data to speed up complex queries involving
multiple table JOINS.
is the process of attempting to optimize the read performance of a database by
adding redundant data or by grouping dat
*we can have duplicate
data to make our search factor olap faster
Create Table Customers
Customerid int,
Customername varchar(20)
Insert into Customers Values (1,'raju')
Insert into Customers Values (2,'sai')
Insert into Customers Values (3,'govind')
Insert into Customers Values (4,'ravi')
Insert Into Customers Values (5,'uv')
Select * From Customers
Create Table Orders
Orderid int,
Customerid int
Insert into Orders values (101, 1)
Insert into Orders values (102, 1)
Insert into Orders values (103, 1)
Insert into Orders values (101, 2)
Insert into Orders values (102, 2)
Insert into Orders values (105, 3)
Insert into Orders values (106, 4)
Insert into Orders values (104, 5)
Select * From Orders
Create Table Order details
Orderid int,
Productid int,
Unitprice int,
Quantity int
Insert Into Order details Values (101, 200, 10000, 12)
Insert Into Order details Values (102, 201, 30000, 15)
Insert Into Order details Values (103, 202, 5000, 6)
Insert Into Order details Values (104, 203, 7000, 8)
Insert Into Order details Values (105, 204, 9000, 9)
Select * From Order details
Select customers.customerid,customers.customername,orderdetails.unitprice,orderdetails.quantity,orderdetails.unitprice*orderdetails.quantity as total sales
From customers join orders on customers.customerid=orders.customerid
Join order details on orders. orderid=orderdetails.order