Tuesday, June 12, 2012

SSRS - Change the Interactive Sort default to Descending

I believe as an SSRS developer you must be aware of Interactive sort option. This feature of the SSRS helps the end user to sort their report field/Column the way they want to sort. The default nature of this sort is an ascending and it is obvious that all users do not want their data to be sorted in an ascending order.

So if they want to sort their data in any of the way (ascending or descending) they need to click on up/down arrow button on the report column. In the first click data sorted in an ascending and on second click data gets sorted in descending order.

But here is question if user wants in reverse order I mean on first click data should be sorted in descending order and on second click in ascending order. This feature is not available in SSRS so we have to do some magic with code to get this done. This is possible on Numeric/Integer types not on character or date type fields. It may be possible but need to use cast or Convert.

So if you have any Numerical field then you have to multiply (*) that field with -1 like this
